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Broadband Availability Line Check


Clicking the continue button below will take you to the official "BT Wholesale" website. Broadband providers like Megganet and BT Retail acquire broadband services from BT Wholesale. The relationship between BT Wholesale and our competitors is the same; no one has precedence over another.

The results should give you an accurate indication as to which broadband services are available on your telephone and the respective theoretical line speed. If the term "VERY UNLICKLEY" is mentioned, most broadband providers will not entertain taking your request any further, however, we carry out additional tests so even if your service looks unlikely or you have been turned down in the past, give Megganet a call on 028 8283 1111 and we will carry out further manual tests.

It might be worth noting that, the results are not 100% accurate so if you are interested, we can use a more reliable manual method to see what you can get.

Click here to proceed to the BT wholesale website